07/27/99 Atheism.
-----All the monotheistic religions have this one ultimate outcome:
-----The one god succumbs to the same disease which carried off the others.
-----Agnosticism is more honestly sceptical... but what fun in that? Why not take the leap of faith? (the deeper the horseshit, the softer the landing.) and believe:
There is no God!
-----The universe, thrust from its own sweet ancient asshole, has vomitted you forth. You ain't got nothin' and you got nothin' to lose. Yes, the sad ultimate truth of this grabs you by the pudenda and won't let go.
-----Oh!!! You got something to lose. And science has shown that the most important thing Jesus said is true. Well, better to lose your brothers than god. God costs a lot less after all.
-----But tough shit. God's dead anyway. And your starving brothers are all over the place, sisters as well, and all their screaming, shitting, asinine little bratlets, too. What's to do? Theology is always best contemplated on a full stomach and with some place sanitary to empty it. Atheology liketh not to shitteth in its own foxhole.
-----So what's the point? When do we pull our heads out of our assholes and realize that, no matter what we say we believe, our problems are the same and rather large and must be dealt with. The peril of overpopulation makes the Four Horsemen of the Apocolypse seem like an anemic polo team. War, famine, plague, death on a pale horse? Too many people equals too many DEAD people and quicker too 'cause people kill people like nothin' else can kill people except the flu.
-----We are told , by media sources, that such and such a percentage of the general population believes in a Supreme Being, a Higher Source, a Big Mondo MotherFucker who squeezed them out of some claylike goop and just fuckin' loves them 'til bile and half digested hunks of whatever spew through the sunset forever, Amen. Sure, why not? And twelve year olds still believe in Santa Claus... harder than the younger ones, because it takes more faith. And the Tooth Fairy is going to leave everyone enough to cover the cost of their dentures. Yeah, and the Easter Bunny will make masturbation obsolete.
-----All the same, my friends the communists, early in this century, proved that, given enough power, athiests can be as murderous as Christians ever were. So the real problem goes beyond a belief in fantasms or a lack thereof. The real problem is the source of morality. And all morality concerns the actions between humans.
-----When is it moral for us to murder each other?
-----In our times, people may believe in god, but they know better. The motivation for this belief is nostalgically tribal. We want desperately to be special, to be pointed out from the heart of a vastness we seldom have the time or inclination to contemplate as more distinct than the phenomina we see ourselves issue from and melt back into. There is the egotism of the soul, hungry to reach beyond its percieved limits and claim eternal reward for itself and eternal damnation for any who would question its arbitrary dictums. What could possibly be more indicative of human cruelty than the concept of hell? We must provide rules for the children with supposedly cosmic underpinnings that will eventually dissolve in their own absurdity. We must have community, tradition, stability... you're cell phone is ringing, could it be a call from the Enlightened One? The wisest of the religious leaders realize the need for a vast human re-union. But are our old gods, frought with inherited antogonisms, an adequate venue? Is not our common humanity more to the point?
-----Oh, you say, but what of the Goddess? She of whom the known universe is but the sheen on a sweat dropplet creeping between Her ineffable breasts? -----Of these things I can have no knowledge. Of these things I may not speak.
-----Sancta, Sancta, Sancta, Dea Omnipotenta, Dea Dulca, Dea Aeterna et Absoluta... .
-----How lonely.